A 57-year-old ex-Marine has pulled off the “People’s Plank,” which lasted 5 hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds.

The PLANK consists of lying face down on mat resting on the forearms, with palms flat on the floor.  Yoga enthusiasts push off the floor, raising up onto their toes, and resting on their elbows.The ex-Marine beat the record of four hours, 26 minutes set by a Chinese police officer in September.He trained for nine months—four to six hours a day, with at least 30 hours of planking thrown in every week.

During his record attempt, the ex-Marine asked for as many distractions as possible. One thing he didn’t focus on was time. No one was to tell him how much longer he had until he broke the record.

He raised money for injured US service members.

Read more here!

