Apparently, we Kansans are difficult to understand. At least our ‘slang’ is.

A website called preply broke down America’s hardest-to-understand states, and the Sunflower State ended up ranking seventh. This was based of a quiz of 1,000 U.S. residents on various slang terms from all 50 states.

The top 10 was:

  1. Maine
  2. Montana
  3. Mississippi
  4. West Virginia
  5. Louisiana
  6. North Dakota
  7. Kansas
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Missouri
  10. Illinois

To say we’re surprised Kansas is that far up on the list is an understatement. Do we really have unique slang? The article in question only mentioned ‘concrete,’ as in the ice cream. Which, yeah, okay, that would be confusing if you didn’t know.

As for any other Kansas-specific slang terms, a deep dive (read: Google search)led us to this article from that will “help you speak like a local.” It was apparently part of what the quiz was based off of. Our thoughts in parenthesis.

  • Caddy corner. (Is this really Kansas specific, though?)
  • Burnt ends. (Oh, come on, now. Texans, at least, get this.)
  • EMAW. (Yeah, okay. We’ll give you that one.)
  • Rock Chalk. (See above.)
  • Yums. (Does ANYONE in Kansas say this? Like, who the heck did interview for this?)
  • Sun shower. (To quote: “This is a phenomenon where it rains while the sun is shining. ‘Cos Kansas.”)

Does any of that truly count? And there is no way sun showers are unique to Kansas. Bliz-nadoes, that I can see being a Kansas-only thing. Which is, for the uninitiated is a blizzard and a tornado.

We really do have terrifying weather.

