Alcoholics Anonymous was founded!

In New York City, two recovering alcoholics, founded AA to help people cope with alcoholism.

Alcoholics Anoymous is famous for creating a 12-step rehabilitation program that has helped millions of people 


Affirmed wins the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown

Affirmed won the triple crown one year after Seattle Slew won it in 1977, and until this year, was the most recent triple crown winner, causing in a 37 year drought.


Tales From The Crypt debuts on HBO

I loved that show! 


The Colorado Avalanche defeated the Florida Panthers in a 1-0 triple overtime game.

That was Colorado’s first season playing in Denver! What a great team!!! 


Steve Sanders of the Oak Ridge Boys was found dead at the age of 45.

He had apparently died of a self-inflicted gun shot wound.

and then lastly…


Former CIA worker, Edward Snowden, was identified as the source who leaked information about the NSA’s Prism program

Snowden leaked information related to the United States’ phone and internet secret surveillance programs. 

-Tyler Jackson

