Murder hornets are SO 2020. The new 2021 hottness are TRILLIONS OF CICADAS.
If you’re not familiar with the Cicada Cycle (Trademark pending), every 17 years trillions of cicadas emerge from wherever it is cicadas go when they disappear again. I assume Narnia.
This year, the invasion is centered on the eastern seaboard of the United States. So, no, we won’t be seeing them in Kansas.
That’s not until 2032!
No, really, there’s a specific Kansan Brood of cicadas.
Anyway, this year is Brood X’s time to shine. Or be eaten.
Because that’s apparently totally a thing.
No, I’m not shocked. We, as humans, eat some weird stuff. Snails aren’t really that much less weird than cicadas.
Newsweek has some cicada cooking tips. Which is a sentence I didn’t think I would be typing when I woke up this morning.
Anyway, you can do a stir fry, put them on a pizza, or cover them in chocolate. I feel like that last one is cheating though. There are precious few things that aren’t edible when dipped in chocolate.
Before we leave, I feel it best to include the greatest Country song to feature cicadas.
Ladies and gentlemen, Toby T. Swift.