Reddit can be a truly terrifying place to be on, though occasionally a gem of a thread emerges.

Users are sharing stories of the most embarrassing beliefs they had as children. A small sampling:

  1. That windmills used electricity to produce wind, not the other way around.
  2. That you had to change your name every seven years.
  3. That a woman would get breast cancer if she let a guy touch her chest.
  4. That the Macarena was the state dance of Wisconsin.  Because they learned it in the first grade, a week after they moved to Wisconsin.
  5. That whether you were a boy or girl depended solely on how long your hair was.
  6. That tumbleweeds were a type of animal.
  7. That “drinking and driving” applied to ALL beverages.
  8. That the pictures on the sides of U-Hauls corresponded to where the person was moving.  Like if it said “Utah,” that’s where they were headed.
  9. That garbage and litter blowing in the wind caused tornadoes.
  10. That cars knew where they were driving us . . . which actually DOES make sense now.
  11. I used to believe night is brought about by clouds.  Dark ones, of course.
  12. That if you drink while peeing you’ll keep peeing until you stop drinking.
  13. That all companies with a ‘TM’ trademark were owned by my family, because those are my initials.
  14. Grandparents were assigned to families.  Like, I didn’t know my grandma was my dad’s mom.
  15. I was under the impression that there were tiny rats that lived inside of my stomach and when they ran in their wheels for exercise it would make me need to pee.

Both Bill and Jen thought that quicksand would be a much bigger problem than it actually is in real life. Mostly because of movies and cartoons. Jen also had her brother convinced he was an alien because of his stork bite.

The full thread is below. Caution, it’s Reddit, so it’s not necessarily safe for work.

