It really is the most important meal of the day!

A new study conducted on behalf of Dave’s Killer Bread shows that people who break the fast in the mornings are almost twice as likely to get promoted. Of the 2,000 respondents, going half-and-half with those who do and do not eat breakfast, 65 percent of those who ate at least toast in the morning reported advancing in their careers, compared with 38 percent of those who don’t.

So eat those Wheaties, folks.

Other benefits of breakfast include being more likely to be married (61%-41%), you’re also apparently more optimistic (70%-57%), and, overall, you’re more satisfied with your life (60%-50%).

“Ensuring that you’re properly fueled from the beginning of your day onward can clearly have a ripple effect throughout our lives,” said Cristina Watson, Brand Manager for Dave’s Killer Bread®. “Something as simple as a slice of whole grain toast can be a total day maker, keeping your energy up and, as the survey results also suggested, even potentially help you to be more optimistic.”

See, I’m not eating Cocoa Pebbles because I can’t let go of my childhood, I’m making a better life for myself.

