Happy Pet Appreciation Week! Or, for those of us dog lovers, “Wednesday.”
A poll conducted by Stella & Chewy’s shows that 94 percent of pet owners try to make their pets feel loved on a regular basis. Of which I see no problem. A further two-thirds admit to treating their pets better than even themselves. Again, I don’t see the problem.
“The results of this survey further emphasize what we already know to be true: our pets are our family,” Marc Hill, Stella & Chewy’s CEO, said. “The bond we share with them is strong, and our pets provide us with so much joy and emotional support on a daily basis. It is imperative that we reciprocate that love by showing them how much they mean to us, too.”
Here are some ways we show our pets the love:
- Playing with them
- Telling them “good boy” or “good girl”
- Feeding them the food they like, no matter the cost
- Making sure their food is also healthy
- Always having their favorite treats on hand
- Saying “I love you”
- Making sure they have a nice bed or sleeping space
- Buying new toys
- Letting them sleep in bed with us
- Taking them to the vet for regular checkups