A new study found it costs approximately $381,000 to have a happy marriage.   Here’s the breakdown . . .

1.  $30,000 for a wedding and honeymoon.


2.  $2,000 a year for date nights.  That’s three dates a month at around $55 each.


3.  $800 a year for nights in.  That’s three nights a month and includes the cost of a Netflix subscription, iTunes movie downloads, drinks, and snacks.


4.  $435 a year for gifts and surprises.


5.  $680 a year for jewelry.


6.  $277 a year for lingerie.  Remember, these are the costs for a HAPPY marriage, and that’s going to include lingerie once in a while.


7.  $232 a year on clothes and shoes for special occasions.


8.  $922 a year on weekends away.


9.  $2,400 a year on vacations.



That’s $7,746 total every year.  Over 45 years, plus the wedding, it adds up to about $381,000.

Read more here!



