Starting in January, parking regulations are set to change in the Aggieville Entertainment District.

The first to go into effect focuses on street parking, and begins on Tuesday January 3rd says Manhattan Parking Services Manager Adrienne Tucker.

“The three-hour limit on parking has been reduced to two hours,” she says. “And we will be enforcing parking through LPR or license plate recognition technology versus the traditional chalking method.”

The two hour limit was settled on in a compromise between city and Aggieville representatives in 2022. Initially, on-street parking was to be limited to three hours with one hour free parking in the garage – both now standardized to two hours of free parking.

On-street vehicles will then have to move after that time, though those parking in the garage will have the opportunity to purchase time beyond that two-hour limit – with paid parking in the garage going into effect later in January on the 17th.

“Payment will be credit card only,” Tucker told KMAN on In Focus Tuesday. “We will have two pay stations in the garage as well as the Park Mobile app.”

After the first two hours of free parking, each hour will cost $2 up to a daily maximum of $10 with hours cutting off at 10 p.m. Tucker says the City of Manhattan also offers overnight parking in the garage at a flat rate of $10 — with a reduced rate of $8 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

“So they don’t have to get in their vehicles after having a night of fun and driving home, and they don’t have to worry about getting a ticket on the street for overnight parking.”

Revenue generated through the parking fees will go toward paying for parking management services including personnel and equipment like the LPR technology employed in the garage and by staff checking on-street parking.

The city also offers a monthly parking permit for the garage, with the rate for part-time employees in Aggieville working 30 hours or less coming in at $25 per month with no contract beyond that month.

“That breaks down to about 83 cents a day.”

Full-time employees can get a permit for a cost of $40 per month, with the possibility for individuals or companies to reserve spots in the garage as well. You can learn more about City of Manhattan parking regulations here.

