Ascension Via Christi has updated its visitor guidelines to guard against coronavirus outbreaks developing.
President Bob Copple tells KMAN that while the guidelines are changing, there are still some things to be aware of for those visiting the hospital.
The hospital will now allow patients in the 3rd floor unit to be able swap out which two visitors are allowed in each day, rather than designating just two for the length of their stay.
ER patients and those getting outpatient surgery will now be allowed two visitors.
Other limits remain in place, including the two support people limit for women in labor.
There are currently four COVID-19 patients at the hospital and Copple tells KMAN those hospitalized were unvaccinated and are in the age group of between 30 and 60.
The hospital continues to allow no visitors for those who are being treated for COVID-19 except for situations where the patient is receiving end-of-life care.
The post Ascension Via Christi Eases Some Patient Visitor Guidelines appeared first on News Radio KMAN.