Blake Shelton took over Chicago’s Wrigley Field over the weekend to play for 40,000 fans on his Ten Times Crazier 2014 tour. Headlining a stadium show is a big leap for Blake, who got pretty comfortable opening for other big acts at those big shows in the past.
Looking back on that previous stadium experience as an opener, Blake says, “I remember thinking, ‘Gosh, I would not want to be Brad Paisley tonight or Rascal Flatts or George Strait‘ — whoever I was opening for at the time — because this is — talk about some pressure. I’m just gonna do my seven songs and see y’all later!”
Blake made it through just fine with his Wrigley Field show, and he’ll play two other iconic venues — Madison Square Garden and the Hollywood Bowl — in the coming weeks.
“The names of some of those venues, I think, is what’s really intimidating — not the size of them,” says Blake. He still hopes to impress his fans at those shows, adding, “You want to leave there having people say, ‘Man, that’s one of the better ones I’ve seen in this place.'”
Keep up with Blake’s tour dates at
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