bluestemelectricwamego10-16Bluestem Electric Cooperative (Bluestem) and the Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation (PCEDC) announces the purchase of approximately twelve acres of land by Bluestem in the Wamego Industrial Park east of Wamego.  The land purchase was precipitated by a nearly two year study and review in which the Bluestem Board of Trustees assessed the cooperative’s facility needs looking toward the future. The purchase of the property was made through the facilitation of Immediate Past President Charles White of the PCEDC and its Board of Directors and staff.


Bluestem currently has office and warehouse facilities in Wamego and Clay Center.  The Wamego office, 614 East Highway 24, serves as the cooperative’s headquarters.  The cooperative’s current Wamego warehouse facility was built in the 1960’s with the office complex being constructed in the mid 1970’s. After almost 50 years, the current warehouse facility is nearing the end of its useful life and is in need of many repairs that challenge the economic feasibility to maintain its usefulness and functionality.  The age and deterioration of Bluestem’s current Wamego warehouse, coupled with confined space for future growth needs identified in the study was a determining factor to pursue property at a new location with more room.  Considerable time, study and planning went into the decision by Bluestem’s Board of Trustees and Staff to purchase a larger parcel of land.


PCEDC coordinated the Bluestem land acquisition among several property owners in the Wamego Industrial Park. Land purchase and trades took place with MGM, LLC; Concordia Tractor Inc., and Highland Community College as well as the PCEDC. Mr. White facilitated the project over 11/2 year time frame. The transaction will allow all parties to continue to grow in the Wamego area near the Wamego Industrial Park.


Definitive future plans for the site have yet to be determined by the Bluestem Board of Trustees but acquiring an available site is an important first step in planning and preparing to meet the future needs of the cooperative’s members.


Bluestem serves 7119 members/meters in 11 counties which include; Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Geary, Jackson, Marshall, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee and Washington.

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