Manhattan city commissioners will continue to operate with four representatives, for now, though will look to expedite the process.

The commission took no action Tuesday to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Wynn Butler two weeks ago, but reached consensus that appointing someone to the seat, rather than holding a special election, is the best path forward. Commissioner John Matta…

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Others, including Peter Oppelt and Susan Adamchak agreed that an election wouldn’t make sense, since the commission has a lot to decide over the next few months.

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Commissioner Karen McCulloh motioned to appoint past commissioner Linda Morse, who retired from the commission at the end of last year.

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Matta motioned to appoint past commissioner Mark Hatesohl to fill out Butler’s remaining term, noting he was ready and willing to serve, despite his defeat in the past election.

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Both motions died for lack of a second.

Commissioners agreed to return next week with up to three potential appointees each, as they look to expedite the process to fill the seat.

Commissioners voted unanimously to appoint commissioner McCulloh to the role of mayor pro tem, nominating her also to fill out Butler’s city appointed seat on the Riley County Law Board. That term expires at the end of this year. Matta is the other city representative, currently serving as the board chair.

The next commission meeting will be on May 28 at 6 pm in City Hall.

In other business Tuesday, commissioners held lengthy discussions on paid parking, taking action to amend on first reading a city ordinance making it unlawful to park on city streets or parking lots for more than 48 hours. The second portion of the ordinance also requires registration of vehicles when parking in the two garages. The city will look to formally adopt the ordinance after a second reading at the next legislative meeting. The ordinance would take effect on Aug. 1.

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