With the multiple freeze/thaw cycles of the weather last week, mixed with carbide steel snow plow blades, a lot of potholes have surfaced around Manhattan, according to the City of Manhattan Monday.

It says some of the most affected areas include:

Kimball Avenue, Candlewood to US-24
Claflin Boulevard, Wreath to K-113
Anderson Avenue, Hudson East to K-113

The City says one patch crew has been dedicated to Kimball, as that seems to be the worst area. Crews will continue working to make repairs all in all locations. If you would like to report a pothole, you can do so using the ReportIt App for Android and IOS devices, or by calling the City of Manhattan at 785-587-4540.

The post City crews set to repair potholes made worse by winter weather appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

