A proposal to bring new jobs to Manhattan was presented in Tuesday’s City Commission meeting. The K-State Foundation made the proposal to take advantage of city economic development funds to help facilitate job creation at the KSU Foundation Center.
The funds are available to any business in Manhattan, given the approval of city officials. The KSU Foundation estimates the funds will result in more than 100 new residents moving to the Manhattan area for work. Mayor Usha Reddi says this investment in the K-State Foundation will also represent a large growth in property tax revenue for the city with estimated building costs for the foundation of $10 million. City staff estimates the city’s investment in the KSU Foundation will result in a total economic impact of $93 million over 20 years. Commissioners approved the first consideration of the application by a vote of 5-0.
An unsafe property that’s been in question for over a year now is set to finally be demolished. Manhattan City Commissioners have been trying to reach the owner of the unsafe property at 1119 El Paso Lane to renovate or demolish the building themselves, Reddi says they’ve received no response.

Manhattan City Commission inside City Hall.

With the growing costs of monitoring the building being passed on to the city and RCPD, commissioners approved a deadline of April 7th for the owners to take responsibility of the building themselves or otherwise face it’s demolishment.

As floodplains reduce on Cico Tributary, Manhattan residents worked with city staff to present a letter of map revision that would allow owners of 9-10 properties to get rid of their floodplain insurance. With the map revision only costing the city $19,000, Reddi says the funding will be a good investment to ensure more money be put back into the local economy, due to savings on floodplain insurance by the owners.
Reddi said she was also impressed with the coordination of city staff and Manhattan residents to reach a resolution that benefited both parties, citing it as a “plus-point” for the Manhattan community.
Federal government regulation requires a change-order on Phase Two of the Manhattan Regional Airport. Airport Director Jesse Romo says this should be the last time a change order is made on the project. The change-order costs will be covered by a contingency fund set aside for the airport. Reddi says she wishes the contingency fund didn’t have to be used but she’s glad it’s there.
The contingency fund has been reduced from $1 million to $3,000 with the change order this time, involving the relocation of rental cars to the Phase Two area.

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