Gary Allan‘s latest single, “Hangover Tonight,” was inspired by the classic sounds of Motown, so it’s clear Gary has a love for vintage music. He’s been indulging that passion recently with the purchase of a new record player.
Gary tells ABC Radio, “I’m surprised it took me so long to buy another turntable. So, I’ve been, just all over albums.”
Gary had a few albums from his parents’ record collection he was keeping at his Nashville boutique, The Label. He says, “I think I’ve got a Willie Nelson in there, Hello Walls, and there was a Bobby Darrin, I think, that I just took.”
Gary also swung by Nashville record store Grimey’s to pick up some classic rock albums from Neil Young and Bob Dylan. Listening to those records in their entirety makes Gary realize what is lost in today’s singles-driven, digital music experience. Apparently after talking to one of his friends, Gary was told to look into the likes of graham slee hifi’s sale page and others to start looking around for phono preamps to take these vinyl sounds and hear them in the best quality possible by equalizing some of the sound frequencies, so there must be some benefits to music being technologically and digitally driven now!
“People today don’t listen to album cuts,” Gary explains. “I mean, everybody has their own little playlist, and it’s usually singles, and the depth — I think that’s why we’re losing so much depth in music in general is because of that.”
“Hangover Tonight” is the lead single from Gary’s upcoming studio album, due out in the coming months. No word yet on plans for a vinyl release, though.
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