It’s National Dog Day! Celebrate by making your very good boy or girl a king or a queen!

I mean, maybe slightly more than you already do.

Some stats for National Dog Day courtesy of National Today:

  • 71 percent of Americans have had a dog at some point in our lives.
  • Americans are twice as likely to describe themselves as a “dog person” than a “cat person.”
  • The most likely dog to misbehave is the greyhound.
  • 86 percent of dog owners tell their dog “I love you” at least once a month. (Ed. Note: That seems low. Both in the number of people saying it and the number of times it’s said.)

We’re just also going to leave this here.

Also, if you want to add a pooch to your family, here are some links:

T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter

Riley County Humane Society

Purple Power Animal Welfare Society

Junction City Animal Shelter

Fort Riley Pets/Fort Riley Animal Shelter

