K-State Vice President for Communications and Marketing Jeff Morris commented on recent reports involving sexual assault and violence…
(News release from K-State Wednesday follows)
Recent media reports have made inaccurate claims about how Kansas State University handles reports of sexual violence. The university provides support and assistance services to all reported victims, regardless of where the sexual assault or harassment is reported to have occurred. Blanket statements that K-State does not investigate incidents that happen off campus are simply not true.
“We strongly encourage all persons at the university, including students, to report any incident regardless of where it occurs,” said Richard Myers, university president. “Some of the media claims being made recently are inaccurate, and we want to clear up any misinformation about our policies.”
The university looks into all complaints of sexual violence through its Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Stalking (PPM 3010). That policy addresses conduct occurring in the following locations, which is consistent with Title IX requirements: (1) on campus; (2) on and off campus in university-sponsored programs and activities; and (3) off campus, if it relates to discrimination on campus or in university-sponsored programs or activities.
In addition to thoroughly reviewing all complaints under PPM 3010, the university has several other policies and processes that apply to reports of sexual violence. K-State assesses the risk to individuals and the university community, regardless of where the conduct reportedly occurred. This happens through policies and processes such as the Threat Management Policy and the Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT). Students found in violation of these policies have been removed from campus in the past.
The university also directs students to the numerous resources available. Regardless of the applicability of the policies mentioned, and regardless of the outcome of any investigation, students are offered help with law enforcement, legal, medical and academic concerns.
The services available vary depending on the nature of the report and the parties involved, but some examples include:
Providing access to counseling or medical services and assistance in setting up initial appointments, both on and off campus, for students.
Rescheduling of exams and assignments.
Providing alternative course completion options.
Change in class schedule, including the ability to drop a course without penalty or to transfer sections.
Change in work schedule or job assignment.
Change in campus housing for students.
Assistance from university staff in completing housing relocation.
Voluntary leave of absence.
Assuring safe movement between classes and activities.
Assisting students in communicating with faculty.
Providing academic support services, such as tutoring.
Additionally, K-State provides advocates for reported victims through the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE). These advocates provide confidential services and advocacy for K-State students who have been affected by sexual violence, stalking or harassment. They inform reported victims of options, as well as coordinate support and resources if requested by reported victims.
Kansas State University policies and processes are based on established law and have been consistently applied over the years. The university also adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and is committed to protecting the privacy of students. This often means the university cannot respond to media allegations or inquiries, even when they are based on inaccurate information. Kansas State University will continue to provide support and resources to students, as it always has, as part of its commitment to the K-State family.
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