On Wednesday, LOCASH marks a milestone, making their national morning television debut on NBC’s Today show. Chris Lucas and Preston Brust will perform their breakthrough #2 hit, “I Love This Life.” Chris says the pair’s success definitely means more to them, since they have a decade of striving under their belts.
“It’s unbelievable! It’s everything you dream about, you know, 10 years ago when we started this thing. You know, it’s been a surreal moment I think just because it has been 10 years. We appreciate it. You know, not that we wouldn’t have appreciated it if it had happened in 2 years, but you feel like you may have earned this spot, because you have worked so hard.”
LOCASH also happens to be enjoying their biggest successes so far, just as their family lives are flourishing. Preston has a new baby girl who was just born after the first of the year, and Chris has one on the way.
“You know, now I have a family and Preston has a family and you realize, hey it worked! Did it! You know what I mean?” Chris says. “All that eating tuna fish for 2 years with mustard — that’s all you had! Losing a house, losing a car, and who knows what else we lost? And here you go now, it’s just a surreal moment.”
Following their Today show appearance on Wednesday, the duo will debut their new single, “I Know Somebody,” Thursday morning on FOX & Friends.
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