Luke Bryan is on track to score his sixth #1 hit from his latest album, Crash My Party, with the power ballad, “I See You.” Luke always hoped the song would be a single.
He says, “You know, ‘I See You’ and ‘Crash My Party’ were the two that we were going back and forth with on what should be the [first] single, and we chose ‘Crash My Party.'”
“Crash My Party” was released in April 2013, so it’s taken quite awhile for Luke to get around to “I See You” as a single. As for why he was drawn to the song, Luke adds, “It’s got that youthful lyric, kind of almost a hip-hop lyric and then that big ol’ chorus that really kind of jumps off the speakers at you.”
Luke is also a big fan of the big guitar riff in “I See You.” The song will be featured on Luke’s That’s My Kind of Night tour starting February 10 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
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