Manhattan City Commissioners appear to have enough support for a potential resolution backing Medicaid expansion.
During the city manager’s briefing Tuesday, commissioners discussed whether getting into the state’s political fight is in the city’s best interest. City commissions in Emporia and Russell have considered similar resolutions.
City Attorney Katie Jackson says some legislators have hinted that if more municipalities showed support, it might push legislative leadership to at least allow for debate
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Commissioner John Matta says he thinks the city commission should stick to matters that affect city business and not get involved in the state’s partisan political battles.
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Commissioner Susan Adamchak disagreed, saying Medicaid expansion would directly impact Manhattan’s working poor.
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Commissioner Peter Oppelt says expanding Medicaid could also close the gap for those who are unable to afford adequate health insurance but also make too much to qualify for Medicaid currently.

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Commissioner Karen McCulloh says the issue extends to mental health care providers, which haven’t had increases in Medicaid funding since 2009.

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Mayor Wynn Butler says there is one potential drawback he could foresee.

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City staff have a draft resolution that will likely be considered at a future meeting.

The post Manhattan City Commission likely to back resolution supporting Medicaid expansion appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

