
Manhattan unemployment numbers continue to be low but have gone up a little since this same time last year. November numbers just released by the Kansas Department of Labor indicate a 3.1 percent number for the Manhattan Metro area in Riley and Pottawatomie Counties, compared to 2.6 last year. The Manhattan-Junction City area is a bit higher at 3.5 percent. The Manhattan Riley County number is 2.9 percent.

Area county numbers include Riley at 2.5, Pottawatomie at 2.9, Geary at 5.3, and Clay at 3.6 percent. Junction City had a 5.1 percent unemployment rate.

Manhattan has the lowest city rate in the state at 2.3 percent and the 3.1 percent Manhattan metro number is also the lowest state-wide.

The post Manhattan unemployment low appeared first on 1350 KMAN.

