Progress was made Monday morning with the long-discussed McDowell Creek Road Reconstruction Project.
Riley County commissioners gave Public Works Director Leon Hobson the go-ahead to advertise the project for bid. Olsson and Associates estimates the project to cost $5.8 million. While the proposed safety improvements to the road falls under sales tax-funded projects, commissioners said its hefty cost will likely call for bonding.
“I think it’s time to move on,” Commissioner Robert Boyd said. “We committed to this. It’s been a two-year process so far.”
Commissioner Ben Wilson asked if deferring the project was even an option, citing the potential of rising costs in the future.
Mark Bachamp of Olsson and Associates reaffirmed Wilson and said the timing for the project to move forward now is good.
“If you wait, you’re going to miss out on a lot of opportunities you normally won’t have,” Bachamp said.
Bachamp highlighted reasons for the good timing. For example, he said the Kansas Department of Transportation has scaled back its projects and contractors will be eager for the work. He also cited low fuel prices.
“There is a potential we can have some contractors we wouldn’t normally see,” Hobson later added.
McDowell Creek Road is located south of Manhattan off Highway 177.
Hobson said improvements include wider shoulders, better drainage and other safety additions.
Bids are expected by late October.