Senate Republicans released a 142-page draft of their bill to eliminate much of the Affordable Care Act on Thursday morning.
The measure would cut and revamp Medicaid and repeal tax increases imposed on medical industry companies to pay for expanded coverage. The law would also end the tax penalty Obama’s statute imposes on people who don’t buy insurance in effect, ending the so-called individual mandate.
In a statement issued Thursday evening, Sen. Jerry Moran said he plans to vote on the measure with Kansas’ best interests in mind.
“We need to make certain that the things are important to Kansans are treated,” Moran said. “Healthcare, its affordability, and its access is improved — not diminished.”
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is hoping to push the measure through the Senate next week. Four Senate Republicans including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul said they plan to vote against the bill.
“Obamacare has caused problems for many people,” said Moran. “But I also know it needs to be replaced with something that improves the chances more Americans have access to affordable health care.”
Moran cited the cost of premiums and Medicaid coverage as two over his biggest concerns with the new proposal. He also would like to see pre-existing conditions remain. In order to win Moran’s vote, a new law would also have to come to the benefit of Kansas’ rural hospitals.
“Our healthcare providers in rural Kansas are hanging on by a thread, so what does this do to make certain that even if health care is affordable its still accessible?”
The Senator will be touring Manhattan Regional Airport on Saturday morning along side Manhattan Mayor Usha Reddi, and airport director Jesse Romo.
A statement from Sen. Pat Roberts reads as followed:
“For more than seven years, Obamacare’s mandates, taxes and regulations have wreaked havoc on our health care system and Americans’ pocketbooks,” Roberts said. “Since the law’s insurance mandates took effect, premiums in Kansas have doubled and insurers have exited the individual insurance market. We cannot continue to allow Obamacare to bring our healthcare system crashing down around our shoulders.
“The Senate bill protects the very sick, seniors and young people. People with pre-existing conditions will keep their health care. Children under 26 remain on the parents’ plans. There are no annual or lifetime limits on coverage. We reduce the deficit; we reform Medicaid, one of the big three entitlements. We eliminate the gap in coverage Obamacare created that hurt too many low-income families. We stabilize collapsing insurance markets.
“It is time to put ideology aside and move. What is the alternative? Single payer, socialized medicine? The American people don’t want that. We can’t delay. Delay is higher premiums, higher co-pays and less choice. This bill is the best path to immediate relief for patients in 2018. This bill is the best possible bill under very difficult circumstances.
“As debate moves forward I will work to see that rural healthcare is protected and that we achieve our ultimate goal of improving access to quality care for all Americans.
“I urge Kansans to examine the Senate bill. As we await a score and then consider amendments on the floor, I welcome the feedback of Kansans.”
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