Judging from their debut hit, “Girl in a Country Song,” new duo Maddie & Tae probably won’t be dressing up in short-shorts and crop tops for Halloween. Looking back on some of their most memorable Halloween costumes, the duo’s Maddie Marlow recalls dressing up like The Little Mermaid a few years back.
She says, “It was rockin’, but I like fell every step because of that dang tail. I could not walk in it.”
Maddie’s duo partner, Tae Dye, got together with several of her female high school friends to dress up like guys for Halloween.
“One of us dressed like a gangster and the other dressed like a preppy,” Tae explains, “and I dressed like a redneck man. So I wore like my Dad’s camo overalls.That should be illegal, they’re really bad.”
Tae rounded out the costume with some fake buck teeth and dark makeup to make it look like she had dirt on her face.
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