The combination of an upcoming severe weather season and mandates preventing people from gathering in groups greater than 10 could make things difficult for those who don’t have their own storm shelter.
Pottawatomie County Emergency Management Director Jennifer Merrow says if it comes down to it, immediate safety will take priority.
      Merrow 1

She also says if severe weather were to happen, her team is prepared despite having to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak.
      Merrow 2

Merrow is urging county residents to sign up for the Everbridge emergency notification system as this will be a primary way of receiving emergency messages as the COVID-19 outbreak continues.
County residents can sign up for this service and find out more about it at
Emergency notifications will also be sent out via media outlets and social media.

The post Pott. County Emergency Management Director discusses COVID-19 and the upcoming severe-weather season appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

