A petition to expand the Pottawatomie County Commission is in the hands of elections officials.
Election Supervisor Ashley Rice tells KMAN that a 106-page list of signatures were turned in June 23rd by planning commissioner Doug Kern, who is advocating to expand the board from 3 to 5 seats. Rice says they’re hoping to start the verification process next week.
Commissioner Dee McKee, who is seeking re-election, motioned to bypass the verification process Monday, saying elections officials are swamped with the redistricting process and preparing for both the primary and general elections.
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McKee’s motion died for a lack of a second. Commission Chair Pat Weixelman says he wants to ensure the process is thoroughly vetted.
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The Clerk’s office has 60 days (until Aug. 22) to verify the signatures. A minimum of 875 signatures are required to get the question added to the November ballot.

