The agenda was rather light in this week’s Pottawatomie County Commission meeting, with only two main discussions.
County offices came into conversation again, this time with the attendance of BG Consultants, the firm chosen by the county to carry out a life-cycle cost analysis of the county buildings.
The purpose of the life-cycle cost analysis is to determine the most cost efficient way to meet the building needs for county departments such as the appraiser’s office, GIS office, and treasurer’s office. The analysis sets out to determine whether current buildings such as the former Rock Creek elementary school that many offices are housed in now, would benefit from renovation, or if it would be a more viable option to start over and build new. Commissioner’s approved the hiring of BG Consultants to answer these questions.
A new Stormwater Management Plan was also presented to commissioners by Public Works Director, Peter Clark. In order to comply with EPA standards and to help prevent damage from stormwater, Pottawatomie County is looking to install more culverts initiate more failsafes. Standards will be introduced with the new plan as well such as the requirement that no new property will be built within 100 feet of any active stream of water to combat the dangers of erosion.
The motion to continue with the plan was approved but not without concern from Commissioner Weixelman who voted no on the motion, for fear the plan would raise taxes at a rate he’s uncomfortable with.

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