

The Riley County Police Director had a good evaluation Monday during a special meeting of the Riley County Law Enforcement Agency Law Board–and that led to an increase in salary, with his contract approved by the group. The one step increase resulted in a salary of $134,675.68.
Board Chair Robert Boyd tells KMAN it was a different time of year to consider the Director’s contract, as agreed to by the group earlier in the year. Boyd  indicates the board is pleased with progress the Director has made when it comes to being more engaged with the community.
Intelligence led policing is one effort Boyd mentions and work on fair and impartial policing, with a national expert brought in on the subject. Boyd says they’ve been very happy with Schoen’s performance and if it had been up to him they would’ve given him even more.
The group met primarily in executive session on the matter. Law Board member Karen McCulloh explained during KMAN’s “In Focus” Tuesday the timing of the director’s contract was changed to the end of the year. McCulloh says the contract used to be considered in January, but that’s when the board usually changes, which often means many new members. McCulloh says a separate meeting is also planned to consider goals for the Riley county Police Department.

