Riley County commissioners approved a request for qualifications for an EMS headquarters building on Thursday.

The RFQ includes a study of the current and future space needs for the department for either on site or a new facility. Public Works Director John Ellerman says the current station was built in 1980 and was only meant for part-time shifts.

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The plan for a possible new facility would be to have space to house up to 10 ambulances. However, that extra space primarily would be meant for possible future purchases. EMS Director David Adams says most of their non-ambulance vehicles are currently sitting outside.

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Adams says having the RFQ would help bring in architects to help with the process.

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The hope is to advertise locally so those firms can connect the county to a more national level firm. Public Works Director John Ellerman says there is a scale to figure out which one is the most qualified.

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The county has opened up bidding to find a qualified entity who can provide a needs assessment for the station.


The post Riley County approves request for qualifications for potential EMS station upgrade appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

