Riley County Commissioners heard an update Thursday from Extension Director Gary Fike regarding the newly created fairgrounds task force.

Fike, who chairs the task force, says there has been great interest among committee members working through the process.

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Fike says a study was commissioned last year by the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce for a new multimillion dollar event center to host the annual Kaw Valley Rodeo. That study was put on hold after K-State’s announcement last year of a new indoor arena to be constructed near the Stanley Stout Center. The proposed event center would include space for barns and RV hookups, that could serve as an anchor piece for a new fairgrounds.

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Fike says the Chamber has expressed some interest in revisiting that study. Commissioner John Ford cautioned that priorities need to be identified first.

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Ford added that he believes the focus should remain specifically on the fairgrounds rather than some of the big picture items.

Fike says he has had discussions with City of Manhattan officials regarding potentially selling the county’s interest in CiCo Park to fund a possible relocation, but says it does not appear from the city to be a plausible option.

Potential sites for a relocated fairgrounds that have been mentioned include near the Riley County Public Works facility, where the county owns property and also in Fairmont Park, south of Manhattan.

More discussions are anticipated when the matter comes before the Manhattan City Commission on Aug. 16.

