Source: Riley County Health Department (July 7, 2021)

Riley County health officials have confirmed that a 56-year-old unvaccinated male died June 30 after testing positive for COVID-19 earlier in the month.

The health department says it’s the 44th COVID-related death in the county. The individual tested positive on June 6.

As of Wednesday, 20 new positive Coronavirus cases were identified along with 18 additional recoveries since the previous weekly report. The percent of positive cases for the week of June 27 was 7.1 percent.

Ascension Via Christi is casing for two COVID-positive patients, including one in the Intensive Care Unit.

The health department also noted Wednesday that Riley County has recorded 35 positive cases from variants of concern — 22 from the Delta variant, 11 from the Alpha variant and one from the Epsilon variant.

Over 21,000 Riley County residents are now fully vaccinated.

Riley County Statistics for July 7:

  • Total positive cases in Riley County Residents: 6,726

  • Total active: 44

  • Total recovered: 6,638

  • Total deaths: 44

  • Total variant cases: 35


Week 26 (June 27- July 3) 7.1%

  • 30 positive tests

  • 423 total tests

Week 25 (June 20 – June 26) 5.2%

  • 31 positive cases

  • 593 total tests

Two-week average: 6.0%

  • 61 positive

  • 1,016 total tests


If individuals are traveling out of the state or country, they can contact the RCHD to get a PCR saliva test kit to take before they travel. Most overseas travel requires a negative test result within 72 hours of flying.

The Riley County Health Department provides rapid testing for symptomatic individuals and saliva-based testing for anyone. Please call our screening call center at 785-323-640 for more information.

The post Riley County confirms 44th COVID-related death in unvaccinated patient appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

