With Americans experiencing a number of financial burdens in 2023, the Riley County Extension Office provided a free service to help ease that burden during tax season. The office helped save local citizens hundreds of thousands of dollars during the 2023 tax season thanks to their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

According to Gary Fike the Riley County Extension Director, VITA saw an increase in people using their services in 2023:

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Fike also highlights the new initiatives to help veterans and military members, as well as other low-income community members:

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VITA exists to serve low-income individuals and families in the community, primarily in the socioeconomic group of $70,000 annual income or less. Fike encouraged community members who are struggling to make ends meet to utilize the services VITA provides.

Additionally, Americans will experience an extra day added to the tax season, thanks to 2024 being a leap year.

The post Riley County Extension Office tax program helps community members save money appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

