Republic NashvilleThe Band Perry came up with a fun way to say thank you to their fans at their annual fan club party Thursday in Nashville. Attendees got to stand on The Band Perry’s stage from the We Are Pioneers tour and see what the Perry siblings see every night on tour.

Before the party, Kimberly Perry said, “It’s a really neat perspective being up where we are during the sing-alongs and seeing their energy. So, today, they’re going to see what the world looks like from our eyes.”

The group’s backing band and crew were onstage with the fans to tell them stories and give them some idea of what they experience on the road.

“They were really excited to tell, like, some road stories,” Kimberly said of the band and crew members. “So, we didn’t get to vet them before so who knows what kind of stories that are going to come out of today.”

The Band Perry is also on the bill for the CMA Music Festival’s Friday night show at LP Field.

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