June 2016 unemployment map
Unemployment numbers are up just a little in the Manhattan area, with 3.9 percent reported in the Manhattan metro area including Riley and Pottawatomie Counties. That’s up from May’s 2.9 percent, but the same as last year at the same time. Manhattan with Junction City’s micropolitan area was also up at 4.4 percent compared to 3.3 in May. The Junction City/Geary County micro area had a 6.6 unemployment rate last month.
Area counties also showed increases with 3.9 percent in Riley County, up a percentage point. Pottawatomie county was also up one percentage point at 3.8 percent. Geary County’s jumped one and a half percent to 6.6 and Clay County was up a little more than half a percentage at 4.9 percent.

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