ABC/Image Group LA Even though Nashville resident Dustin Lynch has a top-ten hit with “Seein’ Red” this year, he says he’s keeping his Christmas cheer to a minimum.
“My family — my mom and dad and sister — are about an hour away in Tullahoma, my hometown,” he tells ABC Radio. “Being that I’m single and never home at my house, I probably won’t decorate a whole lot. I may do one or two things, just so it kinda feels like — maybe hang some lights. But I won’t go all out, because I’ll spend the majority of my time down with my family. And my sister and brother-in-law are like the Griswolds. They love going big on the decorations!” he jokes.
While he admits he went for it at Thanksgiving, the fitness enthusiast regrets he will have to watch it at Christmas, since he has a date with Luke Bryan after the first of the year.
“You know, with Crash My Playa coming up in January,” he says of Luke’s getaway vacation. “I’ll have to watch myself around Christmas,” Dustin says with regret. “I have to sample pretty much everything to make sure it’s okay to eat, especially the pies. I’m the guy that gets all the pies and has to try at least all of them. A little wasteful. I might not eat all of all the pies, but I’ll eat most of all the pies,” he reveals.
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