Multiple community members proposed a shift in the constitution of the Riley County Law Board at Tuesday’s Manhattan City Commission meeting.

The discussion came amid consideration of the proposed 2023 city general fund, the primary operating account for Manhattan’s government operations. City staff presented on some of the struggles they’ve faced in trying to maintain services amid flat or shortfalling revenues into city coffers — noting the hiring freeze, cuts and intentional leaving open of city positions that have been common practice to keep the general fund in the green over the past 5 plus years.

RCPD was approved a nearly 2 million dollar budget increase in 2023 by the Law Board, part of an effort to better recruit and retain employees. Gary Olz called for the Board to be fully occupied by elected officials and removing unelected at-large community members in the future to ensure members are publicly

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The proposal drew concurrence from Jayme Morris-Hardeman, School board member and former city commission and law board member.

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