The school board’s discussion and vote on the secondary mascot issue begins at the 1:06:17 mark.

The Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 School Board voted 4-3 Wednesday night to create a physical wolf mascot character for Manhattan High School.

The vote concludes a long-standing issue that had many in the community wanting the school district to drop the Indians name for MHS. The school board voted to keep the Indians name last December, but left options open for a physical, costumed character to appear at sporting events.

The MHS student council held votes for such a character earlier this month, with the wolf getting the most votes of the character options. While no secondary mascot won the poll with 505 votes, 889 votes went for either a wolf or bison character. The wolf character beat out bison by seven votes.

Outgoing board member Marcia Rozell made a motion to not add a character at all, citing the poll. Board member Curt Herrman seconded, but that vote failed 4-3 with school board president Darrell Edie and member Curt Herrman supporting Rozell’s motion.

Member Leah Fliter made a motion to add the wolf as a secondary character, citing that the majority of students wanted a secondary mascot. Members David Colburn, Pat Hudgins and Aaron Estebrook, who was out of town and participated via phone, supported Fliter’s motion.

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