Tensions rose between the public during Wednesday’s USD 383 Manhattan-Ogden school board meeting.

Members of the public continued to show their support and opposition to training due to Critical Race Theory. The item wasn’t on the agenda Wednesday, nor did the board announce any plans to vote on the issue. It’s the third consecutive meeting members of the public have voiced their opinion either for or against the issue, which has become a national topic of discussion.

Ten people spoke during public comment, but the room was filled with those on both sides of the issue. Kim Zito was the last to speak, directing part of her comments to specific people in the audience.

      Kim Zito

Other members of the audience began to interrupt saying Zito was insulting people and needed to stop.  Arguments continued until Board President Jurdene Coleman stepped in and closed the public comment.

      Jurdene Coleman 1

After Coleman asked the public to leave, concerns were brought up by other board members on the logistics of the Kansas Open Meetings Act.

The board then held a 15 minute recess, where members of the media were allowed to stay.  Board Member Karla Hagemeister contacted the Riley County Police Department to send a patrol car in the event the situation escalated.  Three squad cars arrived at the location.

After the break, the board opened the meeting back up to members of the public.

      Board Members

Assistant Superintendent Eric Reid says the board spoke with its legal counsel during the recess, who then advised them to let the public back in.

Later on in the meeting, the board responded to the incident, with Hagemeister saying the incident left her feeling sad.

      Karla Hagemeister

Hagemeister says she hopes they can come to an agreement that doesn’t devolve into another incident like this.

Board Member Brandi Santos says while she was disappointed and angry at what happened, her main concern was that there were no students in the audience when the incident went down.

      Brandi Santos

Board President Jurdene Coleman then responded to the incident as well.

      Jurdene Coleman 3

Coleman says she was thankful members of the public were able to come back and join the meeting after the recess. She also thanked all of those who gave the board guidance on how to handle the situation.

      Jurdene Coleman 4

You can hear the entirety of the public comments made during the meeting here.


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