SCIENCE pinpoints ‘most boring person in the world’

Because we really needed to know this. Or something. Whatever. A new study from the University of Essex in England has used SCIENCE to determine who is the most boring person in the world. A data analyst from a rural area who watches a lot of TV, is probably religious and sleeps a lot. This [...]

By |2022-03-21T08:21:00-05:00March 21st, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on SCIENCE pinpoints ‘most boring person in the world’

New Music Friday: Carrie tells a ‘Ghost Story’, new albums from Hailey Whitters, Randall King

It's Friday and you know what that means! We've got new music today from Carrie Underwood, who released her much-anticipated new single 'Ghost Story.' We've also got album drops from Hailey Whitters, Randall King's major record label debut, and the one and only Ray Wylie Hubbard! Check out the New Music Friday playlist on [...]

By |2022-03-18T09:23:22-05:00March 18th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on New Music Friday: Carrie tells a ‘Ghost Story’, new albums from Hailey Whitters, Randall King

Thieves steal gas from UNDER a gas station

I'm not even mad, here. This is impressive. Gas theft is on the rise nationwide as prices soar for BS reasons ('s not inflation), but thieves in Texas took it to a new level last week. The petrol pilferers were caught on security cameras siphoning gas from the underground tanks at a gas station. They [...]

By |2022-03-15T09:11:50-05:00March 15th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on Thieves steal gas from UNDER a gas station

Monster sturgeon caught in Canada

This is something straight out of River Monsters. A guide in British Columbia, Canada, recently pulled in a 10.5 foot sturgeon. Yes, 10.5 FOOT. Yves Bisson Sturgeon Co. posted photos and a video of the 500-plus pound monster, which the guide said had probably never been caught before, since it hadn't been tagged. Sturgeon are [...]

By |2022-03-15T08:59:02-05:00March 15th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on Monster sturgeon caught in Canada

New Music Friday: Miranda gets ‘Strange’

It's Friday, and you know what that means! NEW MUSIC! Strictly speaking, no one really waits for a designated day anymore, so this is from the full week. But I DIGRESS. This week, we've got a new single from Miranda Lambert, "Strange", which is off her upcoming album. Oh, by the way NEW MIRANDA [...]

By |2022-03-11T09:33:42-06:00March 11th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on New Music Friday: Miranda gets ‘Strange’

Here is your bi-annual reminder that people will make time travel jokes this weekend

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday morning. This is the one where we lose an hour. Because Ben Franklin hated us, or something. Live Science has a good rundown of why we do this to ourselves twice a year, but basically, Franklin came up with this hair-brained idea to "conserve energy" back in the 1780s. Even [...]

By |2022-03-11T08:58:41-06:00March 11th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on Here is your bi-annual reminder that people will make time travel jokes this weekend

Miranda Lambert wins ACM Entertainer of the Year

A night of unpredictability for the 57th Academy of Country Music Awards was highlighted by Miranda Lambert finally winning Entertainer of the Year. Unfortunately, she was in Great Britain for the C2C Festival. D'oh! Other highlights include Lainey Wilson picking up a surprise, but definitely deserving, win for Song of the Year for "Things a [...]

By |2022-03-08T10:07:13-06:00March 8th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on Miranda Lambert wins ACM Entertainer of the Year

Chris Stapleton, Kelly Clarkson highlight ACM performances

The Academy of Country Music certainly went all out for the debut of the annual awards show on Amazon Prime Monday night. There were some hiccups (random audio issues, weird camera shot choices) and a couple of thuds (Miranda Lambert FINALLY getting her moment, only to be in Europe. Granted, that's not anyone's fault, but [...]

By |2022-03-08T09:31:15-06:00March 8th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on Chris Stapleton, Kelly Clarkson highlight ACM performances

International Pancake Day Race returns after COVID interruption

COVID robbed us of a number of things over the course of 2020 and 2021, but one of the most egregious is THE longest pancake-related tradition: The International Pancake Day Race between Liberal, KS, and Onley, England. The full back story can be found here, but the short of it is that a woman in [...]

By |2022-03-01T09:48:50-06:00March 1st, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on International Pancake Day Race returns after COVID interruption

Hero dad saves bull rider son

Image Taken from @cody_hooks on Instagram Just warning up front: the video is terrifying to watch. You will let loose at least one curse word. A bull rider in Texas was saved from what could have been fatal injuries after being knocked unconscious during a ride at the Bell County Expo Center [...]

By |2022-02-17T09:18:33-06:00February 17th, 2022|Fence Post|Comments Off on Hero dad saves bull rider son
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